HID Mobile Access® secure access control through mobile devices.
If you would like to start using HID Mobile Access® in your organization please visit http://www.hidglobal.com/services/mobile-access to learn more about the service and compatible readers. After you have mounted the HID Mobile Access mobile ready readers, install this BLE Config App to manage your HID Mobile Access System from your SmartPhone or tablet.
The BLE Config App has the following main features for HID BLE mobile ready readers:
- firmware upgrade,
- get and set configuration
- manage templates
HID Handphone ® Access akses yang aman kontrol melalui perangkat mobile.
Jika Anda ingin mulai menggunakan HID Handphone ® Access dalam organisasi Anda kunjungi http://www.hidglobal.com/services/mobile-akses untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang layanan dan pembaca yang kompatibel. Setelah Anda telah terpasang HID Mobile Access ponsel pembaca siap, menginstal ini BLE Config App untuk mengelola HID Mobile Access Sistem dari SmartPhone atau tablet.
The BLE Config App memiliki fitur utama sebagai berikut untuk HID pembaca siap ponsel BLE:
- Upgrade firmware,
- Mendapatkan dan mengatur konfigurasi
- Mengelola template